Öne Çıkanlar bookkeeping keşkül ceviz hazırlık hizmeti verilir ERSUS FOOD SERVICES LTD

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Gima Uk; Looking For A Right Candidate For Import Buying Department

Gima UK LTD;

Looking For A Right Candidate For Import/Buying Department


Supporting Buyer in ad-hoc purchasing activities

Raising Purchase Orders and planning delivery schedules

Book in delivery / collection slot

Resolve all delivery dispute invoice

Other administration duties as required by management.

Develop your category to maximise sales and profit.

Support Head of Buying in the development and growth of the business.

re-sourcing bestselling products at better prices to improve on margin.

You must:

Have previous purchasing department experience

Have good Excel skills

Be self-motivated

Be enthusiastic & pro-active

Have high attention to detail and high levels of accuracy

Have excellent written and verbal communication skills essential along with confident telephone manner


Please send your CV to [email protected]


Gima House, Unit 4 Rippleside Commercial Estate

A13 Ripple Road Barking, Essex, IG11 0RH


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